
tiddy roosevelt


Mi 29.08.2018

Beiträge: 12.424Folgt: 904Folgende: 11.032

Fedi old timer :diaspora:
Photographer, artist, model, linux pervert, and intellectual (non-practicing). Pronouns are they/them. 🔞

Find me on OnlyFans at onlyfans.com/sophia_isobella

"One of the fediverse's most disreputable oiks" - @neil

Help me feed birds







Adults only.

tiddy roosevelt

tiddy roosevelt (@babe@glitterkitten.co.uk)

Föderation EN Do 05.09.2024 16:17:43

What are some of your favourite horror films of the past 5 years? I am really out of the loop when it comes to good horror and I'd like to get back into it a bit.

tiddy roosevelt

tiddy roosevelt (@babe@glitterkitten.co.uk)

Föderation EN Mo 02.09.2024 19:47:45


tiddy roosevelt

tiddy roosevelt (@babe@glitterkitten.co.uk)

Föderation EN Do 25.07.2024 13:44:37

I appear to have suddenly got a taste for tea again, after not really drinking any for a few years.

What are your favourite brands/types, if you'd like to share? I'm thinking of trying a few different things

tiddy roosevelt

tiddy roosevelt (@babe@glitterkitten.co.uk)

Föderation EN Do 25.07.2024 12:04:47

I seem to recall someone doing a horny furry version of the mastodon mascot. Someone's asking for it and I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone have the link?

tiddy roosevelt

tiddy roosevelt (@babe@glitterkitten.co.uk)

Föderation EN Di 09.07.2024 21:17:27


Little ornament of a fat black cat

Little ornament of a fat black cat

Little ornament of a fat black cat

(Medien: 3)

tiddy roosevelt

tiddy roosevelt (@babe@glitterkitten.co.uk)

Föderation EN Mi 19.06.2024 20:46:43

What is the best thing that's happened to you so far this week? Big or small, let's hear some nice positive things!

tiddy roosevelt

tiddy roosevelt (@babe@glitterkitten.co.uk)

Föderation EN Do 13.06.2024 17:19:20

"Allow administrators to configure the instance favicon and logo" yesssss blog.joinmastodon.org/2024/06/

tiddy roosevelt

tiddy roosevelt (@babe@glitterkitten.co.uk)

Föderation EN Di 11.06.2024 17:33:53

Chonkers is enjoying the spa facilities

tiddy roosevelt

tiddy roosevelt (@babe@glitterkitten.co.uk)

Föderation EN Di 04.06.2024 23:19:44

masto let me change the favicon in the admin tab pls

tiddy roosevelt

tiddy roosevelt (@babe@glitterkitten.co.uk)

Föderation EN Di 04.06.2024 16:59:36

Goddamn, what a shot

Someone buy this woman a pint. Or 20.

Woman throwing a banana milkshake right in Farage's face

(Medien: 1)