
Ben Harris-Roxas

Ben Harris-Roxas (@ben_hr@old.mermaid.town)

Föderation EN Mi 26.07.2023 11:42:45

A beautiful comic on the continuing relevance of the Luddite movement by @tomhumberstone thenib.com/im-a-luddite/

(bring back the Levellers while we're at it)

Thank goodness for The Nib and Matt, Eleri and the others' work over the past decade. They made an outsized contribution and while I'm sad they're shutting down, at least they're (sort of) doing it on their own terms.

An illustration of a stylised futuristic skyline with the silhouettes of two figures in the foreground. Two text boxes say:

The future is here already. 

A.I. art has arrived.

(Medien: 1)