

Föderation EN So 09.03.2025 16:23:25

This is a great conversation between @evan, Mike Masnick, and a rep from Threads.

Threads guy just asked Masnick, couldn’t Bluesky be just as successful on ActivityPub? That’s a good question!!

(Medien: 1)


Föderation EN So 09.03.2025 16:36:10

lol the Threads dude is so corpo. He keeps saying things like “creators” and “content feeds.” He probably doesn’t even know.


Föderation EN So 09.03.2025 18:05:14

@benbrown Could you throw something at him on my behalf please? An egg would be optimal but anything will do.

SynAck aka Little Sunshine :facepalm:

Föderation EN So 09.03.2025 18:43:00

@benbrown I really considered coming down for these talks, but once I saw that Threads was going to be there and also got a look at the topics of most of the talks, I figured it would just serve to make me angry and defensive as I have fundamental disagreements with both Threads and Bluesky. Seemed very much leaning towards "how can we monetize federated social media" in far too many of those talks for my taste, at least where the abstracts were concerned.

That, coupled with my "old man disdain" for the general public and SXSW traffic and no easy way to get down there that won't cost me an arm and a leg and a whole host of other whiny and probably unfounded excuses, meant that I opted to stay up North here and save myself several levels of aggravation. :holdthepain:

I am sorry to miss Cory Doctorow's talk, though. Maybe I'll be able to deflate enough of my personal excuses to get down there tomorrow for that.

I will, however, be interested to hear your overall take on the discussions and what you thought about them after All Da Fun Is Dun. :bec_wink:


Föderation EN So 09.03.2025 19:16:29

@SynAck this mornings talks were great, nobody was talking about money really, mostly a friendly debate about inter-op challenges and the various motivations. Yes, threads, but it was with eyes open. I think you might have enjoyed it :)


Föderation EN So 09.03.2025 19:20:20

@SynAck the space is pretty big, there is still time to come tomorrow afternoon I don’t think it will be hard to get in plus they had coffee and queso

Evan Prodromou

Föderation EN So 09.03.2025 21:48:32

@SynAck @benbrown I have heard @pluralistic speak twice at SXSW 2025 and I can heartily endorse the experience. I understand that having so many companies here can make Fediverse House sound very commercial, but I think you can find the people and conversations you want to have. Especially during Cory's talk!