
Lena Riess

Lena Riess (@bluesorella@mastodon.de)

Föderation EN Mi 04.09.2024 10:15:08

A url-shortener would be nice @pachli?
Great shop so far! Thank you!


Pachli (@pachli@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mi 04.09.2024 10:22:36

@bluesorella URL shorteners aren't needed on Mastodon.

When you include a URL in a post it is always treated as 23 characters long, no matter how long it is.

So you can post full, unobfuscated URLs without significantly consuming your character budget.

Lena Riess

Lena Riess (@bluesorella@mastodon.de)

Föderation EN Mi 04.09.2024 10:40:15

Thank you. Sorry, my poor English: I thought about long urls in my timeline.
Two pictures that make it easier to understand what I mean: