
Braw β˜•πŸ³οΈ‍🌈

Braw β˜•πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ (@brawaru@mstdn.social)

Föderation EN Mi 13.09.2023 05:19:35

@Gargron please don't give up!! Sorry if it sounded like I'm saying that Masto is β€˜dead’, it's not at all, I think it very much secured its niche and I love it here :blobfoxheart: I just tried to express is my sadness that we can't fulfill the needs of many regular casual people. Like my friends or their friends are probably going to be on Bluesky if Twitter explodes, rather than Mastodon, because it's more convenient to them for reasons above, that's what I find sad, because Bsky got bad vibes