
Bread and Circuses

Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 12:30:44

A couple of reminders about how important it is to “Leave those leaves alone.”

🍁 leaveleavesalone.org/
🍂 xerces.org/leave-the-leaves

Drawing of colorful fall leaves and various animals. Under the heading "Leave Leaves Alone" we can see moths, butterflies, bees, frogs, birds, toads, salamanders, fireflies, turtles, and small rodents.

Orange, yellow, and red fall leaves lying on the ground, with this caption: "Leaves are not litter. They're food and shelter for butterflies, beetles, bees, moths, and more. Tell friends and neighbors to just leave the leaves."

(Medien: 2)


Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 13:41:25


For the record, I mow (mulching blade) my leaves. However, I feel that this is also an acceptable option because of the joy it brings. We need more .


Sam (Ethical Revolution) 🌱✌️

Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 13:59:19

@breadandcircuses An important point. Although I’m not sure I agree with the advice of burning petrol to mulch leaves on the lawn. Just leave them and they’ll magically disappear (the worms pull them in to the earth).


Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 17:42:00

@ethicalrevolution @breadandcircuses I use an electric mower to mulch the leaves. it is not necessary to burn petrol.


Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 14:09:57



The season of the honking sounds of migrating geese, of the mating calls of deer in the distance, of the light spatter of dew falling as rain from the trees in the morning fog.

And all around all day long the horrible buzzing noise of leafblowers!

Frank Henninger

Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 14:24:17

@breadandcircuses mulching mower works for me

Gustavo Rezende

Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 14:37:37


Anyone who have ever learned about Ernst Götsch ideas - Syntropic Agriculture, also described as successional agroforestry - knows it well.

Mr. Götsch did not invented the Syntropic Agriculture, but he wisely summarized a lot of long ago developed knowledge throughout humanity eras.


Charlie the Anti-Fascist Dog

Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 14:53:16

@breadandcircuses the obsession with raking leaves has always fascinated me. they turn into dirt pretty quickly.


Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 14:55:35

@breadandcircuses tell that to my 4 year old, who seems determined to place every single leaf in the country into my handbag.

Alex Schwartz

Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 15:13:49

@breadandcircuses it’s information like this that allows me to say “I’m not lazy, I’m helping the environment!”

Cleethorpes Info Bot :term_cursor: :ms_robot_loading: :tux:


Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 15:24:10

@breadandcircuses The council likes to blow them around with a petrol driven leaf blower. I'm unsure why.

Uncle Karen

Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 15:29:57

@breadandcircuses I would always advise my garden clients to do this! Some listened, some didn't. I tried to encourage them that relocating the leaves is cool too - move them into your flower beds and let them be mulch there, if you want a more "tidy" look. Leaves do good work!

And heck - for those clients that I worked for, you're spending less money on your gardeners if you save us time like this 😂


Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 15:36:02

@breadandcircuses tried this once, it killed all my grass 😕


Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 18:02:27

@firewyre @breadandcircuses We take all our leaves off the grass and spread them around our flower beds.

dianea 🏳️‍⚧️🦋🌱

Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 16:43:45


Fireflies, lightning bugs require leaves to stay for their lifestyle. When we see glowing bugs dancing in the evening air, you know they had a great fall the previous year.

Always leave the leaves for fireflies!


Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 17:15:50

@breadandcircuses i am trying to...by spring i will have little piles of compost full of worms


Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 17:17:41

@breadandcircuses Reminds me of this superb album - tho set in April.

(Medien: 1)


Föderation EN Sa 02.11.2024 18:01:22

@breadandcircuses Mine are all spread about and ready for their long winter’s nap.