

brightside (@brightside@mastodon.online)

Föderation EN Fr 19.07.2024 22:39:57

@MartyFouts @eliasp @EUCommission Linux is in the minority on desktop computers but not otherwise. Shut down all Linux servers and routers and we would not be communicating here as the whole Internet would be down. Besides that Linux is in comparison not a mono-culture like Windows. Aside from that most media did not report that two different things happened today 1) Microsoft Azure problems in four different regions 2) The automated Crowdstrike update problems.

Marty Fouts

Marty Fouts (@MartyFouts@mastodon.online)

Föderation EN Sa 20.07.2024 01:37:57

@brightside @eliasp @EUCommission I think one of the biggest myths on the net is how widespread Linux servers are. This comes from skewed statistics that count user visible web servers but can’t count internal or B2B services. But there is some truth to the claim that Linux is currently less of a monoculture.

Of course, if Linux does become more widespread, usage will concentrate to a few distros, paradoxically resulting in greater monoculture.


brightside (@brightside@mastodon.online)

Föderation EN Sa 20.07.2024 11:56:24

@MartyFouts @eliasp @EUCommission Yes, I guess you're talking about web servers when it comes to numbers where the statistics may be questionable. But I expect most DNS servers are run on Linux or a BSD flavor nowadays and without DNS the Internet is broken for most people. And Mastodon servers we're communicating on now I'd expect to be run on Linux mainly.

Marty Fouts

Marty Fouts (@MartyFouts@mastodon.online)

Föderation EN Sa 20.07.2024 15:21:11

@brightside @eliasp @EUCommission On the other hand most BGP servers run on Cisco boxes that run proprietary RTOS and there are a lot more of those than DNS servers.

I’m not saying Linux has no presence on the net. I am saying that the statistics I see that claim that it dominates under count a lot of non Linux servers because of the way they are gathered.


Föderation · So 21.07.2024 05:00:13

The problem with your argument is that the effect is the same. If all the front end proxies are down, you can't access the back end web service no matter what OS the back end runs on.