
Christoph Becker


Mi 02.11.2022

Beiträge: 1.681Folgt: 816Folgende: 801

Professor of Information studying just sustainability in IT: design, software, requirements, values, power, responsibility. Critical Systems Thinker, , just sustainability design, .

Book INSOLVENT: How to Reorient Computing for Just Sustainability @MIT Press 2023 mitpress.mit.edu/books/insolve

Dead bird @ChriBecker



Personal website


Just Sustainability Design lab



just sustainability design, social responsibility, ethics, values, politics, decision making, data curation, social aspects of software engineering

Christoph Becker

Föderation EN Mi 22.05.2024 18:14:38

"Lavender applies the logic of the pattern recognition-driven signature strikes popularized by the US ... with the mass surveillance infrastructures and techniques of ... Instead of serving ads, Lavender automatically puts people on a kill list based on the likeness of their surveillance data patterns to the data patterns of purported militants – a process that ... is hugely inaccurate. Here we have the AI-driven logic of ad targeting, but for killing." @Mer__edith helmut-schmidt.de/aktuelles/de

Christoph Becker

Föderation EN Di 02.04.2024 15:34:12

“one of the most frustrating kinds of AI hype is when people who are actually in a position to use their own expertise to push back instead give in to the FOMO and do the hype for tech companies. Today's case in point is a recent article in The Chronicle of Higher Education”

@emilymbender 🎯 on @academicchatter
