

cloudron (@cloudron@social.cloudron.io)

Föderation EN Mi 31.07.2024 22:33:29

Finally managed to update the etherpad package for cloudron to upstream version 2.1.1

This meant a bigger version leap than usual for Cloudron packages, but we are very impressed with the etherpad development recently. Great job!

And of course if you hit any issue with the package, we are helping out at forum.cloudron.io/category/61/


Simone (@roughnecks@livellosegreto.it)

Föderation EN Do 01.08.2024 00:38:25

@cloudron for only 2 apps isn't exactly what I have in mind


cloudron (@cloudron@social.cloudron.io)

Föderation EN Do 01.08.2024 19:07:34

@roughnecks same same 🙂

....which is why we carefully maintain more than 150 app packages for people who enjoy not having to deal with too much technical detail and still have their own infrastructure.