


Mi 25.01.2023

Beiträge: 285Folgt: 390Folgende: 212

Hey 👋🏼

Who am I? Well I’m a guy who choose not to share my real name, as I don’t feel comfortable doing so, yet. I’m a happy guy with a lot of energy, and like to meet new people.

What do I like? I like technology, and I also care a lot about how my data is shared and used by tech companies and cybersecurity.

My purpose on here is to share my knowledge on Privacy, Security, and meet new people, just like me.


Danish (@danish@mstdn.dk)

Föderation DA So 09.06.2024 22:27:35

Hej fra @Tuba, en Mastodon klient til Linux. 👋


Danish (@danish@mstdn.dk)

Föderation EN Do 11.01.2024 17:03:47

@jon I can’t add a custom search engine in @Vivaldi on iOS? :(

(Medien: 1)