
Darth ŠČ! :arch:


Mi 02.11.2022

Beiträge: 1.137Folgt: 500Folgende: 1.213

:amiga: Commodore Amiga fan.
:gnu: Free Software Evangelist.
:redhat: Linux Renaissance author.

Currently learning :clang:







Darth ŠČ! :arch:

Darth ŠČ! :arch: (@darth@silversword.online)

Föderation EN So 10.12.2023 14:08:52

@libreoffice hi. in the spirit of "Help us make LibreOffice better" what will it take to add Interslavic spellcheck to LibreOffice officially?


LibreOffice extensions search result not finding Interslavic

(Medien: 1)

Darth ŠČ! :arch:

Darth ŠČ! :arch: (@darth@silversword.online)

Föderation EN Sa 09.12.2023 19:38:51

@Vivaldi I opened this webpage with adblocking enabled and the browser crashed on ios17 when I clicked send feedback rockpapershotgun.com/every-tra

(Medien: 1)

Darth ŠČ! :arch:

Darth ŠČ! :arch: (@darth@silversword.online)

Föderation EN Sa 09.12.2023 19:17:24

@Vivaldi what can I sync except the obvious stuff such as bookmarks? can I sync e-mail and calendar account settings (exept for their password, of course)? If I fine tune my calendar and e/mail and alias settings will I have to do it all over again on my other computers?

Darth ŠČ! :arch:

Darth ŠČ! :arch: (@darth@silversword.online)

Föderation EN Di 05.12.2023 11:51:27

@Vivaldi how many lines of text is Vivaldia 2 and do you accept extra translations? I kinda like it and I might add Croatian language if you want.

Darth ŠČ! :arch:

Darth ŠČ! :arch: (@darth@silversword.online)

Föderation EN So 03.12.2023 08:29:25

Do you think that alternative web browsers rely on Google's Chromium project too much? I wish more browsers would help with development of Gecko and Webkit. Right now if you wish to help decrease Google's Blink engine WEB dominance there are only a couple of browsers you can use:
- Firefox
- Safari
- Konqueror maybe

Darth ŠČ! :arch:

Darth ŠČ! :arch: (@darth@silversword.online)

Föderation EN Sa 23.09.2023 20:05:13

I am inclined to agree. :kekw2:

Security threat Google Play services appears to be malware and poses a high risk (View details). Immediate uninstallation is advised. Don't remind me again IGNORE UNINSTALL

(Medien: 1)

Darth ŠČ! :arch:

Darth ŠČ! :arch: (@darth@silversword.online)

Föderation EN Fr 08.09.2023 13:48:38

I just received an email from my doctor with instructions for my exam in open document format. That's the first time I've ever received an official document that's not Microsoft proprietary. I feel so happy to see this.

What say you @libreoffice?


(Medien: 1)

Darth ŠČ! :arch:

Darth ŠČ! :arch: (@darth@silversword.online)

Föderation · Sa 08.07.2023 11:46:05

Why do many Mastodon clients auto select all participants except the one who I am replying to? What's the idea of encouraging me to remove everyone from the conversation on each reply? I don't understand this behavior.

This is @mammoth but others do it as well, so my question is general and not particularly related to my app of choice.

2nd participant is highlighted so if I start typing immediately upon clicking reply they will be removed from the reply, by default

(Medien: 1)