
David Njoku


Fr 04.11.2022

Beiträge: 3.916Folgt: 644Folgende: 1.590

I'm a rebel, baby. I'm revolting.


I'm and . I work in IT, but would much rather be hanging out with my kids.

I listen to far too many so I know a little about a lot, and a lot about very little.

David Njoku

David Njoku (@davidnjoku@mastodon.world)

Föderation EN So 10.09.2023 13:25:40

As a parent of Black children I often find myself unconsciously forcing them to be smaller than they are when in public, to not be their full selves. Cos I know that if they play up, White society won't think "They're just kids being kids." Instead they'll think, "They're Black people being Black."

Every time I catch myself doing it I'm heartbroken.