· Föderation · Sa 01.07.2023 16:34:48 @eighthave not easily possible to "just mark unread": usually all messages displayed on screen are marked as read. If you mark-unread a message then for how long would this mark remain? Would the message remain unread if looking at the message/chat another time? If so how would you get rid of unread-state? These complications are probably why no messenger has "just" implemented mark-unread. |
Föderation · Sa 01.07.2023 16:54:59 @delta @eighthave as mentioned in the other subthread, Slack does this. It remains unread until that chat/thread is entered again. There are some quirks to it. Sometimes things seem to stay "unread" when they shouldn't or return to "read" when they shouldn't, but on the whole it's not a terrible UX. Handling edge cases may be tricky, but its achievable. |