
Dave Rahardja

Föderation EN Di 06.08.2024 21:31:32

This is incredible. has released another one of their amazing electronic music products, this time featuring instruments. Check out that custom-made OLED with a bard and a manuscript-style seven segment display. You can even buy a quilted carrying bag for it. Just amazing.


An electronic music product. It’s rectangular and has a loudspeaker, display, and grid of buttons and knobs. The product has a dark brown theme to it, with all the script done up like a manuscript. The display features colorful icons and a picture of a bard.

(Medien: 1)

john fink ok!! :goat:

Föderation EN Di 06.08.2024 21:48:30

@drahardja I can't tell if this is fantastic or exceptionally cursed, or possibly both, but one thing I can authoritatively say is that it is extremely Teenage Engineering.

Dave Rahardja

Föderation EN Di 06.08.2024 21:50:44

@adr I think it’s fantastic. Check out the samples they have at the bottom of the page. I want to hear more Medieval instruments in pop music.

john fink ok!! :goat:

Föderation EN Di 06.08.2024 21:55:46

@drahardja I sent this to our rare books guy here who is a dork for all things medieval and dude was so delighted.