

Edu (@el_gran_edu@tkz.one)

Föderation EN So 28.07.2024 09:28:40

@aral Also it looks like the guy is an antivaxxer. I knew he was an asshole but I thought he had some insights about science, but nope.

Musk's tweet about vaccines. "Shouldn't all unvaccinated be dead by now?"

(Medien: 1)


GhostOnTheHalfShell (@GhostOnTheHalfShell@masto.ai)

Föderation EN So 28.07.2024 12:34:45

@el_gran_edu @aral

Musk demonstrates his math acumen yet again.

He asserts that 1000 of his star liners will transport 1 trip convoy 1 million people to colonize Mars.

The stated capability of a starliner is 100 people. He’s off by a factor of 10.

Practical Lactation

Practical Lactation (@LactatingAlgore@kolektiva.social)

Föderation EN So 28.07.2024 14:28:38

@el_gran_edu @aral contrariwise, if the antivaxxxers were right, shouldn't all the people who got vaxxx'd against the 'vid be as dead as damar hamlin?

or, are we dead, & our supposed selves are all clones?