· Föderation EN So 13.10.2024 05:36:06
@stargazersmith Thanks! Given I just arrived in the Sonoran desert-- and have been wanting to photograph saguaros for a long time-- this is a pretty nice start! Can't wait to get the raw image home to work on it on a proper computer. :)
Föderation EN So 13.10.2024 05:57:55
I haven't lived in that area for a long time, but the flora and fauna are unique. I however was afraid to go out in the desert at night for fear of scorpions, cone-nose beetles, and gila monsters.
Unless it was my back yard, that is.
Föderation EN So 13.10.2024 06:19:31
@stargazersmith Yes, the Sonoran desert is really beautiful. I'm sitting outside in it tonight and I'm now wondering what are cone-nosed beetles??? I'm keeping an eye out for tarantulas as well!
Föderation EN So 13.10.2024 06:31:46
Oh yes. How did I forget the tarantulas?