
Erin 💽✨


Sa 01.01.2000

Beiträge: 37Folgt: 414Folgende: 2.291

immigrant | they/them | software engineer in card payments
liker of ISO 8583, the 8051, ASN.1 and EBCDIC.
30-something who's grew up online and has seen it all. sometimes an optimist, sometimes nostalgic.

I wrote the ActivityPub initial draft, so this social network is in some way my fault. These days I spend a lot of time studying social dynamics and thinking about how we build social systems which foster a healthier culture.
Formerly @erincandescent@queer.af

Instance admin, queer.af (2018-07 - 2024-02, RIP)





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Erin 💽✨

Erin 💽✨ (@erincandescent@akko.erincandescent.net)

Föderation EN Do 05.09.2024 00:18:56

The obvious choice for ActivityPub’s birthday would be the 23rd of January 2018 - the day it was annointed as a W3C recommendation. That doesn’t seem quite right though - its not as if the spec came into existence in any sense upon that date. In fact, Mastodon implemented it before thne.

There are several possible dates you might pick, but for me it will always be September 5th 2014 - when I committed the first sketch of a specification I called ActivityPump and pushed it to Github

It wouldn’t be until November that I actually submitted (a revised and enhanced version of) that draft to the working group, but even then I had the very nucleus of the specification written down.

Happy 10th birthday, ActivityPub. 🍰

Erin 💽✨

Erin 💽✨ (@erincandescent@akko.erincandescent.net)

Föderation EN Fr 07.06.2024 00:46:05

I was talking to someone at #emf2024 who was talking about making a LoRa hexpansion, but I'm terrible with names so have forgotten who it was. Does anyone know? 😅

Erin 💽✨

Erin 💽✨ (@erincandescent@akko.erincandescent.net)

Föderation EN Fr 23.02.2024 19:23:08

Akkoma just added the tiny quality-of-life feature I never knew I needed

[✔️] Restrict your account to approved followers only
-- [✔️] Automatically approve requests from already followed users

(Medien: 1)

Erin 💽✨

Erin 💽✨ (@erincandescent@akko.erincandescent.net)

Föderation EN Mi 21.02.2024 10:57:26

I feel it might be suboptimal/not intentional that my route to foo.github.io is going via Singapore

a bgp.tools route graph, showing my preferred path to Fastly going thorugh Zenlayer -> Etisalat -> Singtel -> Hurricane Electric

(Medien: 1)

Erin 💽✨

Erin 💽✨ (@erincandescent@akko.erincandescent.net)

Föderation EN Mo 12.02.2024 10:50:20

Hello fellow admins!

It would help users migrating from queer.af if you would temporarily add the following to /etc/hosts:	queer.af

The domain was suspended this morning without warning.

For users attempting to migrate, there’s an alias domain for the UI setup at: https://queer-af.alioth.systems

Thank you everyone for flying queer.af; sorry for the abrupt end, but it was out of my control, and you were all (hopefully) aware of this possibility anwyay.