
Evan Prodromou

· Föderation EN Mi 12.03.2025 14:45:23

@BathysphereHat it's probably worthwhile to get an idea of what level of technology and economy the society has.

Evan Prodromou

Föderation EN Mi 12.03.2025 14:46:17


Especially when we talk about ancient societies, like in Egypt or Mesoamerica, we often talk about the achievements and wealth of the most powerful.

I think at least partially, this is because they left the largest and most durable artifacts, so we can evaluate pyramids and statues and tombs and so on.

Another factor is that written history has often been a luxury, so histories are often written only about kings, lords, and emperors. That's the info we have now.

Evan Prodromou

Föderation EN Mi 12.03.2025 14:51:41

@BathysphereHat even for modern societies, we talk about the achievements at the very tip of wealth and power. "We put a man on the moon."

Rabbit Cohen

Föderation EN Mi 12.03.2025 15:49:40

@evan For sure! This really bothered me when I was studying Latin, because we also learned about Roman history, and they kind of glossed over the fact that for much of the Roman empire, huge swaths of the population were either impoverished or enslaved. (There was also a lot of weird apologism for ancient slavery in the textbook, which was Not Great.)