

F-Droid (@fdroidorg@floss.social)

Föderation · Fr 30.08.2024 11:39:35

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F-Droid (@fdroidorg@floss.social)

Föderation EN Fr 30.08.2024 11:37:48

@organicmaps yes, our communication about this change was not ideal.

We tried to cover it in f-droid.org/2024/07/25/twif.ht and f-droid.org/2024/04/04/twif.ht, but apparently it wasn't read by everybody (surprise, surprise 🙈).

Unfortunately, we didn't find any good technical solution to enable the new Anti-Feature automatically (but only for those, who didn't change their AFs manually).

Moreover, this new AF was designed to clearly differentiate, that apps like OM are NOT NonFreeNet, but only TetheredNet.