
Fifi Lamoura


Mi 30.11.2022

Beiträge: 10.192Folgt: 2.195Folgende: 1.415

I write and think about culture (for fun and to pay my rent). My obsessive interest is people and how we work, individually and collectively, which makes me interested in most things, with a particularly keen interest in cogsci and psychology (I grew up around medical science). I studied painting and drawing at uni and I used to play in bands and work in the music industry. Maybe I'll switch to using my real name here eventually.

Photo description: White woman with black hair and saxophone


Montreal, Quebec/NSW, Australia

Fifi Lamoura

Fifi Lamoura (@fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe)

Föderation EN Sa 24.08.2024 17:53:17

We're in wild blueberry season here in Quebec and it is a good season. I'm not much of a fan of cultivated blueberries but I do love wild ones. As is often the case with fruit and vegetables, bigger is often not at all better when it comes to taste.


Fifi Lamoura

Fifi Lamoura (@fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 23:54:37

OMG, just watched some old White man assume he's more aware and politically engaged, and more knowledgeable about fighting fascism, than Rebecca Solnit. The hubris of it all.