Mo 16.12.2019
Beiträge: 14.588Folgt: 262Folgende: 26.715
Fighting for essential rights and freedoms for computer users since 1985. https://fsf.org
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Föderation EN Do 26.12.2024 02:30:05
Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Justin Fields, Divya Ranjan Pattanaik, and John Devin for assigning their copyright to the FSF! /#Emacs /# gawk More: https://u.fsf.org/3ht #CopyrightAssignments
Föderation EN Mi 25.12.2024 17:45:06
When you donate to the #FSF, you support campaigns such as #DefectiveByDesign and #FightToRepair. You can help fund these campaigns and more here: https://www.fsf.org/appeal #FreeSoftware #CornerstoneOfAFreeSociety
Föderation EN Mi 25.12.2024 02:30:05
Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Justin Fields, Divya Ranjan Pattanaik, and John Devin for assigning their copyright to the FSF! /#Emacs /# gawk More: https://u.fsf.org/3ht #CopyrightAssignments
Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 21:37:57
Interested in helping #freesoftware users find freedom-respecting programs by updating the Free Software Directory? Please consider joining the FSD meeting this Friday on IRC. Read more at: https://www.fsf.org/events/fsd-2024-12-20-irc #FreeSoftwareDirectory
(Medien: 1)
Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 19:45:05
Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Yao Zi and Collin Funk for assigning their copyright to the FSF! /#GCC /#findutils More: https://u.fsf.org/3ht #CopyrightAssignments
Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 19:30:04
For our fortieth anniversary, we're centering grassroots organization globally, and we hope you'll join us. Organize a free software meetup in 2025 and we'll help you promote it! More about #FSF40 here: u.fsf.org/44j
Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 14:00:07
There's no better gift than freedom: https://www.fsf.org/givingguide/v15/ \#EthicalTechGivingGuide \#GivingGuide2024
Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 04:15:06
Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Alekseev Nikita, Edgar Vincent, and Toshihiro Umehara for assigning their copyright to the FSF! More: https://u.fsf.org/3ht #CopyrightAssignments
Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 04:00:07
For our fortieth anniversary, we're centering grassroots organization globally, and we hope you'll join us. Organize a free software meetup in 2025 and we'll help you promote it! More about \#FSF40 here: u.fsf.org/44j
Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 01:00:07
For our fortieth anniversary, we're centering grassroots organization globally, and we hope you'll join us. Organize a free software meetup in 2025 and we'll help you promote it! More about \#FSF40 here: u.fsf.org/44j