
Marcus Müller


Sa 30.04.2022

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Marcus Müller

Marcus Müller (@funkylab@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Di 28.11.2023 10:42:35

All improvements aside, @thunderbird still has a lot of bugs that drive me nuts on a day-to-day basis, well-documented on the bug tracker, which I just don't have the time&skill to fix.

If this upsets you some days like it does me, I find it helpful to pronounce it Zunderbørd like the Muppet's Swedish Chef would pronounce it. Gives it a more forgivable character, like a delicious pancake that might have into contact with TV stage rigging one too many times. Wrong Calendar Alert, Bork Bork Bork!

Marcus Müller

Marcus Müller (@funkylab@mastodon.social)

Föderation · Fr 09.06.2023 12:26:23

Just so that people don't forget (especially not the people at ) :
The GNU Radio Conference 2023, GRCon'23, is happening 2nd to 9th of September, in the US. The Call for Participation is still open until June 23rd – get your presentation in, do your workshop, write your papers!

GRCon'23 logo:
The GRCon'23 text, with a cactus where the apostrophe between Con and 23 would be. Below that, text "Tempe, Arizona"

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