Mo 31.10.2022
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Author of World Wide Waste. Developer of Top Tasks. Focused on reducing data waste and e-waste.
E-waste | Hold onto devices as long as possible. |
Data waste | Reduce the quantity of data as much as possible |
Sustainable digital design | Design as light as possible. |
World Wide Waste | |
Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 09:28:32 Only one Amazon can survive. Which one do we choose? |
Föderation EN Do 10.10.2024 11:09:58 Since 1970, there has been a: 73% fall in wildlife numbers 49% decline in marine life 50% decline in insects 69% decline in vertebrates 83% decline in freshwater species CO2 is the ace of hearts in a 52 card deck of damage and destruction. Biodiversity loss is an entire suit in that deck. Our environment is collapsing on multiple fronts. It's not an energy production problem. It is an energy consumption problem. We consume vastly too much energy and materials. It can't last. |
Föderation EN So 23.06.2024 13:17:58 "You might ask how AI generates something so completely bananas. It’s because AI can’t tell the difference between true and false. Instead, a complex computer program plays probabilistic language guessing games, betting on what words are most likely to follow other words. If an AI program hasn’t been trained on a subject — unusual last names, for instance — it can conjure up authoritative-seeming but false verbiage." |
Föderation EN Fr 17.05.2024 21:22:59 When Big Tech is challenged on its energy, material and water use, it's response is always that its working on being more efficient, finding ways to keep growing but in a "greener" way. We must challenge the Growth Death Cult. Our environment simply cannot cope with this incessant growth of data, data centers, servers, chips, smartphones, laptops, earbuds. There is no infinite growth on a finite planet. Driven by Big Tech, we have already bust past multiple boundaries. It's not sustainable. |
Föderation EN Fr 17.05.2024 12:57:12 What good is AI if you don't have a planet to use it on? Microsoft released its 2024 Sustainability Report on Wednesday, and it's mostly bad news. Last year, Microsoft's emissions went up 29%, and it used 23% more water, primarily due to "new technologies, including generative AI." https://au.pcmag.com/news/105283/microsofts-emissions-spike-29-as-ai-gobbles-up-resources The Great Lying Machine is eating our environment and spewing out toxic misinformation. Big Tech has become a clear and present danger to all our futures. |
Föderation EN Mo 13.05.2024 14:20:42 "ChatGPT consumes a lot of energy in the process, up to 25 times more than a Google search. Additionally, a lot of water is also used in cooling for the servers that run all that software. Per conversation of about 20 to 50 queries, half a litre of water evaporates – a small bottle, in other words." AI is predicted to consume twice as much energy as the whole of France by 2030 Training GPT3, took 1,287 MWh (Megawatt hours) of electricity. |
Föderation EN Do 18.04.2024 14:27:49 "AI Computing Is on Pace to Consume More Energy Than India, Arm Says. AI’s voracious need for computing power is threatening to overwhelm energy sources, requiring the industry to change its approach to the technology, according to Arm Holdings Plc Chief Executive Officer Rene Haas." https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ai-computing-pace-consume-more-150000328.html?guccounter=1 Is there anyone, anywhere in government, who hasn't been bought by Big Tech, or isn't a fully paid up member of the Growth Death Cult, awake to existential challenges of Big Tech? |
Föderation EN Mo 25.03.2024 17:12:07 AI execs who urgently need more energy to power their tech revolution are turning to fossil fuels AI is driving a massive demand for electricity. Despite earlier commitments, some executives now say clean energy may not meet AI's growing needs. This was always going to be the case. Big Tech will never let the saving the environment get in the way of its insatiable greed. There's a reason why the environmental collapse has run in parallel with the rise of Big Tech |
Föderation EN Mi 26.07.2023 16:51:48 A Google spokesman said the death dates on their Chromebooks have an important purpose: "They help us make loads more money," said Marty Techbro, chief communications pusher for Chrome. "We can destroy the environment without getting blamed. It's the schools fault. They should know that if you buy cheap crap you get cheap crap. If you believed our crap about security and stability then more fool on you. Would you liked to hear about our latest planned obsolescence gig?" |