
Föderation EN Sa 27.04.2024 16:56:42

So @k8eb wants us to watch Spongebob

And, like

Ma'am. We are not going back and watching eleven seasons of this show.


...are we..?

Föderation EN Sa 27.04.2024 16:58:05

@gnomon @k8eb I don't think all eleven seasons are good, are they? So it's probably more like four.

Föderation EN Sa 27.04.2024 17:00:09

@Gargron @k8eb I don't knooooow

But I think that in about *checks calendar, runs some numbers* five months I'll get back to you with an evaluation of that question

edit: eep, my track record of getting reviews to you is a little spotty, I'm about five years late on this one: mastodon.social/@gnomon/101925