

· Föderation EN Do 27.02.2025 17:12:37

@ErikvanStraten @iju @Free_Press

Yup. I agree with every point.

( My grandpa ran away from home at 16, so that he could sign up, in a town he wasn't known in, because he was too young, to fight in WW1. He survived, but I was one of the few he ever talked to about it, because when I was 17, I was learning Wilfred Owen's 'Strange Meeting'.

"It seemed that out of battle I escaped
Down some profound dull tunnel, long since scooped
Through granites which titanic wars had groined" )

Erik van Straten

Föderation EN Do 27.02.2025 17:29:39

@gsymon : there are a lot of impressive stories out there. We should keep repeating them, honouring those who fought for justice, many of them paying the highest price.

Like in many war-surviving families, bad experiences are usually not talked about. It is too painful for the victims, and why spoil young happy people's lives?

IMHO we must remember, but at the same time we must be *very* aware of the fact that people always tell one side of a story. Most remain silent about the mistakes they made and wrongdoings they committed ("they" including, in particular, parents and grandparents).

Zionists are now massively abusing the Holocaust to make people feel unconditionally sorry for Jews (not in the least Israeli's) - not those living 80 years ago, but TODAY.

@iju @Free_Press

Photo of Israeli president Herzog signing a 155mm grenade to be dropped on people, poosibly Hamas terrorists aka freedom fighters (depending on PoV), and/or innocent people including women and *A LOT*  of children - who undeniably are innocent.

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