
Philip Gillißen

Philip Gillißen (@guerda@ruhr.social)

Föderation DE Fr 26.07.2024 10:40:12

Dear ,

Is there an Android app for simple / browsing and uploading?

The Synology app is so slow and unintuitive, I would like to have something different.
didn't yield anything useful on searches for smb/samba.


Stanilaus (@stanilaus@mastodontech.de)

Föderation DE Fr 26.07.2024 10:44:54

Ich nutze den cxFileExplorer und bin sehr zufrieden.

Screenshot von cxFileExplorer

(Medien: 1)


glenn (@glenn@streams.caffeinated.social)

Föderation · Sa 27.07.2024 00:24:25

Material Files from F-Droid is quite nice.


J. Brian Coyle

J. Brian Coyle (@JBrianCoyle@mas.to)

Föderation DE Sa 27.07.2024 01:26:55

I use Material Files and Amaze File Manager.

For some definitions of simple, there's also andSMB. But I don't know how up-to-date that app is...

Philip Gillißen

Philip Gillißen (@guerda@ruhr.social)

Föderation DE Sa 27.07.2024 06:51:37

@JBrianCoyle thanks, I will check them out!

IzzyOnDroid ✅

IzzyOnDroid ✅ (@IzzyOnDroid@floss.social)

Föderation DE Sa 27.07.2024 12:00:22

@guerda my corresponding app list at android.izzysoft.de/applists/c names an app called "CIFS Document Provider" (f-droid.org/packages/com.wa2c.) to mount Samba drives so all apps can access them transparently. If I'm not mistaken, CIFS can be said to be a synonym to Sambe, in a way, right?

From the app's description: "Supports SMB, FTP, FTPS and SFTP." – so it should fit your needs. As the second link shows, the app is available at @fdroidorg :awesome:

Philip Gillißen

Philip Gillißen (@guerda@ruhr.social)

Föderation EN Sa 27.07.2024 12:08:08

@IzzyOnDroid @fdroidorg thank you, yes cifs is a way to mount smb shares. I will check it out