
kratom doyenne

Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 18:22:21

As an alternative to Ravelry, consider getting your knitting patterns from 13th century spanish royal tombs

Two pages of richard rutt’s “history of hand knitting” showing a surprisingly well preserved cushion featuring royal and arabic motifs

A second cushion with more critters on it

(Medien: 2)

Vae Miséricorde

Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 18:34:44

@hannah has ravelry enshittified? i was an early member in 2006 or somesuch and haven’t been on in ages


Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 18:40:29

@vae @hannah There was a thing. Actually two things. Anyway. 🤷

Vae Miséricorde

Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 18:43:33

@justmichelle @hannah uh-oh. i better catch up.

i was in LSG ages ago too, some of the nicest people i’ve ever known online, i wonder if they’re still kickin it. i left because my now-ex MIL was post stalking me and being a shitter, but damn there were some good times.


Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 18:50:17

@vae @hannah I was active in CPaAG. More of a lurker in LSG. Rn there is a uspol thread in LSG that has been put on pause a few times for vicious sniping.

Vae Miséricorde

Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 18:55:56

@justmichelle oof i remember in the era of the bunker etc circa obama/mccain it got pretty nasty, i can’t imagine how bad it is now with *gesturing widely* all of this


Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 18:59:37

@vae I mostly just check out the pattern page. Like I need more sock and/or beaded lace shawl patterns. 🤷🙄

Vae Miséricorde

Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 19:02:49

@justmichelle lace shawls are my weakness. chunky, tiny and intimidating, doesn’t matter. i’m garbage at sitting down and making them but boy do i ever love telling myself that i will haha

i have a spinning wheel and want to get back into processing fleece and finding plants to forage for dye and then i look at the laundry that needs to get put away…


Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 19:05:39

@vae I make them, block them, then either give them away or carefully fold them, put them on a zipper bag, and store the with the rest. BooKnits, Nim Teasdale, and Anna Victoria are my Kyptonite.


Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 18:41:39

@hannah do we need an alternative? 😮