
Heidi Li Feldman

Heidi Li Feldman (@heidilifeldman@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Sa 27.07.2024 05:45:46

My friends, we are just at the beginning of the fight to elect Kamala Harris President of the United States and to put as many Democrats in office throughout the country. Indeed, upon electing Harris, we will have to fight to make sure she is inaugurated. Please put your energy into these fights. Don’t sweat the small stuff.



fighting (@fighting@mastodon.online)

Föderation EN Sa 27.07.2024 06:02:35

What I like is that people are excited and WANT to vote for Kamala, & not begrudgingly have to vote against the felon.


Kimsails (@Kimsails@mastodon.online)

Föderation EN Sa 27.07.2024 13:36:40

Yes. But for that matter, also make sure you are registered.

If you are in a state that purges registrations, make sure you are *still* registered.

If you vote absentee, make sure your vote gets recorded - and does need to be “cured” for a missing signature or other rule.