
Föderation EN Mo 08.04.2024 13:01:46

Do @themagpi still have , & do they monitor it here?

Föderation EN Mo 08.04.2024 14:50:10

@hollowman @themagpi yes and yes! I’ve had some of my posts on Mastodon pop up in the magazine.

Föderation EN Mo 08.04.2024 14:51:28

@andypiper @themagpi never made it myself, i think ill have to think of something stunning

Föderation EN Mo 08.04.2024 14:52:43

@hollowman @themagpi what have you been working on lately? I have a few Pico-based projects I keep meaning to do more work on. Actually I think I just invented a Pi Zero 2W idea last week as well.