
Preeti Gupta

Preeti Gupta (@ilovechoclates_@seocommunity.social)

Föderation EN Sa 28.10.2023 13:59:20

Suppose I want to publish a post (in WP) and I want to make it noindex, but I also don't want it to show on the blog page and category page and everywhere else on the site. How can I do that?

(I have checked and it requires a plugin. Is there an easy way?)


HECHT INS GEFECHT (@hig@social.hechtinsgefecht.de)

Föderation DE Sa 28.10.2023 14:57:02

@ilovechoclates_ i would use a code snippet (via functions.php or Code Snippets plugin) --> quadlayers.com/hide-posts-in-w

Preeti Gupta

Preeti Gupta (@ilovechoclates_@seocommunity.social)

Föderation DE Sa 28.10.2023 15:03:27

@hig Thanks for the help. It seems like I am not the best with function.php nor do I want to install a plugin. I guess I'll host this page on Notion for now


HECHT INS GEFECHT (@hig@social.hechtinsgefecht.de)

Föderation DE Sa 28.10.2023 15:12:16

@ilovechoclates_ Ok, understandable but if you need something special in WordPress Code Snippets is the swiss army knife.