
jakob 🇦🇹 ✅

jakob 🇦🇹 ✅ (@jakob@soc.schuerz.at)

Föderation EN Sa 27.07.2024 07:59:04

Peertube subtitles

Hello. Peertube has a new feature since 6.2
Automatic transcription to subtitles.

It works great!

But friendica does nnot schow subtitles on Peertube Videos.

Try it with this video

On peertube you can see/activate subtitles
In friendica not.


OldKid (@oldkid@sekretaerbaer.de)

Föderation DE Sa 27.07.2024 11:28:46

@jakob add ?subtitle=de to the link

jakob 🇦🇹 ✅

jakob 🇦🇹 ✅ (@jakob@soc.schuerz.at)

Föderation EN Sa 27.07.2024 11:40:53


Does not work with federation.


Tio (@tio@social.trom.tf)

Föderation EN Sa 27.07.2024 12:06:07

@jakob I think it is because Friendica does not show you the embed Peertube player, but pulls the video itself, the .mp4, and the browser's player is the one allowing you to play it. I wish there was a way to show the embed Peertube player in Friendica. We had these discussions for some time now....

See github.com/friendica/friendica… and more here github.com/friendica/friendica…