
· Föderation EN Di 03.10.2023 17:35:48

@feditips @_dunnster there's two things happening here: 1. images with no alt text get that border if browsed on toot.wales 2. our host has a media cache setting that removes old media - which is then re-requested upon demand.

It looks like the re-requests are getting queued and taking up to a minute to get re-delivered from the remote server in some cases.

I suggest scrolling more slowly :o) - or opening the original page (three dot menu) if you need to see the image more quickly

Föderation EN Di 03.10.2023 17:38:26

@feditips @_dunnster for example, here you can see the image has been re-delivered to toot.wales (although it still has the "no alt text provided" border)

Screenshot of the previously mentioned toot, showing the image now available on toot.wales

(Medien: 1)

Föderation EN Di 03.10.2023 17:41:56

@jaz @_dunnster

Thank you! Excellently fast and complete response! 🤩

Föderation EN Di 03.10.2023 19:01:46

@feditips @jaz
Yes, very much so. Thanks @jaz