
Jcrabapple 💙

Jcrabapple 💙 (@jcrabapple@dmv.community)

· Föderation EN Mi 24.04.2024 02:20:43

@dajix I'm also a fan of Cromite. It's noticeably faster than any Firefox fork.


Dajix (@dajix@social.zym.lol)

Föderation EN Mi 24.04.2024 02:30:07

@jcrabapple Yeah, 100%. I really want to like Firefox on Android thanks to its extension support and *supporting the open web*, but it is noticeably slower and significantly less secure then any Chromium-based browser (C'MON MOZILLA, FIX FISSION ON ANDROID ALREADY)

Jcrabapple 💙

Jcrabapple 💙 (@jcrabapple@dmv.community)

Föderation EN Mi 24.04.2024 02:31:56

@dajix I've enjoyed using Iceraven but man it is slow.