
Jcrabapple 💙

Jcrabapple 💙 (@jcrabapple@dmv.community)

· Föderation EN Mo 03.06.2024 14:15:32

@NeadReport Weird. I don't see it in Phanpy on my end.

(Medien: 1)


NeadReport (@NeadReport@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Mo 03.06.2024 14:18:21

@jcrabapple Let me bring the dev in on this convo
@cheeaun can you have a look through this thread please? Thanks.

Chee Aun 🤔

Chee Aun 🤔 (@cheeaun@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mo 03.06.2024 14:26:58

@NeadReport @jcrabapple link previews/cards are generated from your instance server (back-end), not the client.


NeadReport (@NeadReport@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Mo 03.06.2024 14:30:41

@cheeaun @jcrabapple So that would be Vivaldi for me?


NeadReport (@NeadReport@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Mo 03.06.2024 14:38:44

@cheeaun @jcrabapple

@Vivaldi Can you have a look through this thread, please? Trying to determine why the YouTube music 'consent' link is showing up in non-English and possibly only in the social.vivaldi instance. Thanks.