
Jim DeLaHunt


Fr 13.10.2023

Beiträge: 278Folgt: 161Folgende: 29

Software engineer and symphonic chorister and opera singer in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Jim DeLaHunt

Jim DeLaHunt (@jdlh@mstdn.ca)

Föderation EN Di 10.09.2024 22:49:50

A cool change is that the Core Specification of the Unicode Standard is now released as a static HTML subsite, backed up by an archiveable of 1,140 pages.


You can now link to specific sections and paragraphs, e.g.

"Unicode is about plain text, see: unicode.org/versions/Unicode16" .

I helped out in a small way with the project to produce the core spec as HTML + PDF. I think it is a marvellous improvement.