
Jeff C. 🇺🇦

Jeff C. 🇺🇦 (@jeff@indieweb.social)

Föderation EN Do 11.04.2024 19:56:06

Early reviews of the Humane Ai pin are out and, unsurprisingly, it does not look good.

The Verge: “For $699 and $24 a month, this wearable computer promises to free you from your smartphone. There’s only one problem: it just doesn’t work.”


Chris​‌​‬ Hayes‌​​​

Chris​‌​‬ Hayes‌​​​ (@chris_hayes@fosstodon.org)

Föderation EN Do 11.04.2024 23:56:11

@jeff Seems like they've complicated the product and sacrificed UX just to avoid using your smart phone in any way because it would go against their vision of a future without smartphones.

If you create a product without those sacrifices, you basically re-invented a smart watch, and now the future doesn't look so shiny.

The pin's killer feature is a camera for the ai to use, but all smart watches gotta do to bridge that gap is to add a camera.