

Jenniferplusplus (@jenniferplusplus@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN So 26.05.2024 03:06:42

Is ghost on here? Is there a way to beg them not to do this? Random bloggers aren't generally prepared to moderate comments on their own pages. There is no way on earth they're prepared to moderate their subscribers across the whole social web. It's a catastrophically bad idea.


Screenshot from the linked article

"How does ActivityPub factor into the need to build community into my Ghost membership site [which already has comments]?

The honest answer is we're not totally sure yet, we're learning ActivityPub as we work on this and seeing where it fits. But, <highlight>one idea we're exploring is that all Ghost Members will be automatically provisioned as ActivityPub actors.</highlight>

So if your name is Sarah and you're a member of the Platformer News community, then by default you'd get an automatic ActivityPub handle of something like @sarah@community.platformer.news — and (ideally) you could also sign-in/sign-up with an existing ActivityPub handle, if you already have one.

In this way we would be able to connect individual communities with the wider ActivityPub network, creating an opportunity for community growth outside of just your website. So far this is just an idea, but we're curious to experiment with it and see how it feels. "

(Medien: 1)

Johannes Ernst

Johannes Ernst (@J12t@social.coop)

Föderation EN So 26.05.2024 04:54:26

@jenniferplusplus didn’t blogging work that way 20 years ago? Anybody leave a comment on anybody’s blog? Wordpress still does it to this day? Akismet works fine?


Jenniferplusplus (@jenniferplusplus@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN So 26.05.2024 19:10:02

@J12t first, that was kind of a nightmare. That situation gave us the maxim "don't read the comments"

Second, what they're proposing sounds like anyone who signs up for your newsletter can leave comments on *any* blog, not just yours

unimplemented!("free the imagination")

unimplemented!("free the imagination") (@jalcine@todon.eu)

Föderation EN So 26.05.2024 19:52:33

@jenniferplusplus @J12t Right. And we have to hold in mind that moderation on here still is individually driven. This is the easiest path to a "Ghost removes AP" post in less than three months.

Ben Sahlmueller

Ben Sahlmueller (@b3n@g0v.social)

Föderation EN So 26.05.2024 13:03:43

@jenniferplusplus They ask for feedback in the comments under the article you shared, it's probably best to just discuss it there (together with others who addressed problems with this idea already).

Apart from that: They are on Threads, @ghost, not user notifications from here reach to over there...

Marco Rogers

Marco Rogers (@polotek@social.polotek.net)

Föderation EN So 26.05.2024 19:44:33

@b3n @jenniferplusplus @ghost seems odd that they wouldn't have a first class presence here.

the esoteric programmer

the esoteric programmer (@esoteric_programmer@social.stealthy.club)

Föderation EN So 26.05.2024 17:40:28

@jenniferplusplus isn't that what activity pub is supposed to do? how else would it be done?

Marco Rogers

Marco Rogers (@polotek@social.polotek.net)

Föderation EN So 26.05.2024 19:47:56

@jenniferplusplus hm. After reading through the post, I agree this is a bad Idea as described.

Andy Nortrup :cascadia: 🌳

Andy Nortrup :cascadia: 🌳 (@andy@social.seattle.wa.us)

Föderation EN So 26.05.2024 20:23:39

@jenniferplusplus I wouldn't mind my blog, optionally, receiving comments via the social-web, I wouldn't want a subscriber to get an actor from my blog, even if they pay me money.