
Jerry Bell :bell: :llama: :verified_paw: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Jerry Bell :bell: :llama: :verified_paw: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​ (@jerry@infosec.exchange)

Föderation EN Do 15.08.2024 18:26:43

The relay was consuming about 5 CPU cores simply trying to service instances that no longer exist.

Jerry Bell :bell: :llama: :verified_paw: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Jerry Bell :bell: :llama: :verified_paw: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​ (@jerry@infosec.exchange)

Föderation EN Do 15.08.2024 18:34:23

Perhaps even more interesting is that steady state operation of the relay is taking about 20-30 3.8 ghz CPU cores

Jonathan Yu

Jonathan Yu (@jawnsy@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Do 15.08.2024 18:35:12

@jerry Gotta get it running on GPUs instead

Jerry Bell :bell: :llama: :verified_paw: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Jerry Bell :bell: :llama: :verified_paw: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​ (@jerry@infosec.exchange)

Föderation EN Do 15.08.2024 18:36:19

@jawnsy I don’t think it’s ported to run on a GPU, but that does have me thinking about the less expensive 80 core ARM servers that Hetzner offers

Jonathan Yu

Jonathan Yu (@jawnsy@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Do 15.08.2024 18:38:24

@jerry oh, that was just a dumb shitpost. how many cores does this stuff need? we used to get by on 640 kb of ram, blah blah, decline of society, blah blah, damn youth

Jerry Bell :bell: :llama: :verified_paw: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Jerry Bell :bell: :llama: :verified_paw: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​ (@jerry@infosec.exchange)

Föderation EN Do 15.08.2024 18:40:21

@jawnsy when I started the relay about 18 months ago, it got by on a 6 core server. Now, it is taking a good chunk of a 96 core server.


MHLoppy (@MHLoppy@mastodon.online)

Föderation EN Do 15.08.2024 19:06:27

@jawnsy @jerry it's all an elaborate cover for his domain-hoarding addiction, don't fall for it


jlo (@jlo@glib.social)

Föderation EN Do 15.08.2024 18:46:53

@jerry @jawnsy What could it cost Jerry? Ten dollars?

Jerry Bell :bell: :llama: :verified_paw: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Jerry Bell :bell: :llama: :verified_paw: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​ (@jerry@infosec.exchange)

Föderation EN Do 15.08.2024 18:47:32

@jlo @jawnsy I believe the server it runs on costs me $500/month


jlo (@jlo@glib.social)

Föderation EN Do 15.08.2024 18:49:14

@jerry @jawnsy Yikes. Wish I knew if my single user instance was federated enough so I could save you $0.10/m.

Jerry Bell :bell: :llama: :verified_paw: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Jerry Bell :bell: :llama: :verified_paw: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​ (@jerry@infosec.exchange)

Föderation EN Do 15.08.2024 18:50:51

@jlo @jawnsy that server runs a bunch of other stuff. It wouldn’t actually save any money unless I shut it off and moved to a smaller server, which I have no plans to do


jlo (@jlo@glib.social)

Föderation EN Do 15.08.2024 18:51:57

@jerry @jawnsy throw it on the free Oracle tier. I think you get 24 ARM CPU’s?

Jerry Bell :bell: :llama: :verified_paw: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Jerry Bell :bell: :llama: :verified_paw: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​ (@jerry@infosec.exchange)

Föderation EN Do 15.08.2024 18:53:12

@jlo @jawnsy I’ll have to look into that. I guess the question is whether Oracle allows full consumption of each of those 24 cores 24x7

Compuguy 🐱

Compuguy 🐱 (@compuguy@istoleyour.pw)

Föderation EN Do 15.08.2024 18:38:06

@jerry WOW. That's a lot of CPU usage!

Renaud Chaput

Renaud Chaput (@renchap@oisaur.com)

Föderation EN Do 15.08.2024 19:03:29

@jerry Thats crazy. Is the relay software well optimized? I cant imagine why it needs so much resources