

Johannes (@jom@social.kontrollapparat.de)

Föderation EN Di 07.05.2024 16:31:35

Hey Tooters. Can you please make sure you select your language settings in etc. correctly when you post something? Otherwise, you are spamming other timelines in a language that many can't read. There is a lot of Japanese coming in here at the moment, which is unfortunately unreadable for me. Thank you very much! :)

StarrWulfe (JLGatewood)

StarrWulfe (JLGatewood) (@starrwulfe@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Di 07.05.2024 16:46:04

Use an app like ice cubes and it will auto translate for you if needed.


Johannes (@jom@social.kontrollapparat.de)

Föderation EN Di 07.05.2024 16:50:38

@starrwulfe I know. But you don't have to waste @IceCubesApp money if there are easier settings for it. API calls are expensive.


IceCubesApp (@IceCubesApp@mastodon.online)

Föderation EN Di 07.05.2024 19:47:58

@jom @starrwulfe Ice Cubes will also suggest the language for your post