
Jon S. von Tetzchner

Jon S. von Tetzchner (@jon@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Mi 11.09.2024 00:18:29

Draken BlackKnight

Draken BlackKnight (@drakenblackknight@mastodon.online)

Föderation EN Mi 11.09.2024 00:50:00

This is why I'm using @Vivaldi instead of Brave.


Frumbly (@frumbly@mastodon.world)

Föderation EN Mi 11.09.2024 03:16:20

@jon you definitely need to push this hard in promoting . A lot of people are utterly sick of the overwhelming push to AI everywhere.


RolingMetal (@uberprutser@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Mi 11.09.2024 08:50:12

@jon Last year I installed Opera, because I wanted to try out their integrated AI.
What a waste of time, but it did bring me to Vivaldi :)
And you can get plenty of AI in Vivaldi, every website these days seems to have one of those completely useless chatbot assistants :(

Torstein Krause Johansen

Torstein Krause Johansen (@skybert@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Mi 11.09.2024 09:01:12

@jon thank you for daring being different. And for building the browser your users actually want.

Chad McCullough

Chad McCullough (@cmccullough@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Mi 11.09.2024 14:46:28

@jon Just one of the many reasons why I'm all in with using Vivaldi. 💯

Andrea Lazzarotto

Andrea Lazzarotto (@lazza@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mi 11.09.2024 16:50:13


It is a missed opportunity for having a privacy-focused LLM solution, potentially running locally on the device.

For translations, Vivaldi provides a solution that protects privacy, and we users can feel at ease. For AI, people are forced to turn to third-party chatbot services, which may take less care of user data.

Fortunately, there is Duck AI (from the creators of DuckDuckGo), but having GPT features "guaranteed by Vivaldi" would certainly be better (and more trustworthy). 😃


20139322000 (@20139322000@mastodon.social)

Föderation FR Mi 11.09.2024 16:55:44

@jon je suis heureux que Le Navigateur Vivaldi utilise pas l'IA Merci 👍 😀

Tim Strange

Tim Strange (@timstrange@deadrobots.social)

Föderation EN Do 12.09.2024 05:35:45

@jon I'm currently writing this in Vivaldi, and the no AI is one of the reasons that I gave it a go recently in the first place (now its my default). It's mostly become a marketing buzzword anyway, and all these millions of AI startups appearing, and everyone else scrambling to implement it, when the cost can't be offset by any income from what is mostly novelty anyway. It's echoing the dotcom boom at the moment, and I'm certain it will drag many under in a few years when that bubble bursts.


JoeBecomeTheSun (@JoeBecomeTheSun@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Do 12.09.2024 06:01:55

@jon The issue with AI is that this is just another fad pushed from the top down with counterfeit money from the fed. The reason the business cycle is closely related with the election cycle is that the democratic politicians have an incentive to overstimulate the economy to maximize their chances of getting reelected and when they reach their term limit they plug their ears when the ticking time bomb blows up in the next administration. AI is just another example of counterfeit money going into the pockets of privileged corporations with the friends in high places perk. I guarantee you that this AI boom is going to blow up in the face of the next administration and the bubble will burst when the market realizes that it has put too much money into stupid bullshit that people do not actually want at the expense of things that actually matter, like aircraft technicians, engineers, plumbers, truck drivers, carpenters, painters, roofers, manufacturers, food, water, electricity, cars, bicycles and other staples of modern life. The permanent solution is hard gold backed money in a free banking system where the money supply is not up for a vote. End the fed!