
Joseph Cox

Föderation EN Fr 06.12.2024 18:37:25

Here @jasonkoebler writes his friend was filling out surveys/games to get few dollars off essential medication. People are outpouring their "horrendous, inhumane, heartbreaking experiences with a profit-driven, private American healthcare system" 404media.co/behind-the-blog-he

In that article, | wrote about my best friend who died of cystic fibrosis when I— and she—was 25. In an article | wrote for VICE, | explained that | blame America's health insurance system for her death. She lived the vast majority of her life before Obamacare existed and was at times dropped from insurance in between jobs for her preexisting condition. She regularly had to skip medicine or treatments she needed to live because she could not afford them or because her insurance would not cover them or because she did not have insurance. Getting those medicines was like the world’'s most time consuming and frustrating monthly puzzle.

. She looked into getting medication that was cheaper in Canada but could not navigate the system. She died 11 years ago. Millions of people died under a similar health insurance regime before her and millions of people have died under the same system after her. Her death fucked up my world and | have never been the same.

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