
Föderation EN Sa 19.10.2024 19:55:58

I live in Germany and need this rubber stamp.


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Föderation EN Sa 19.10.2024 20:13:54

@jpmens for some reason I'm sure I have one of those somewhere. Don't know if they came with some other product or why I have one.

Föderation EN Sa 19.10.2024 22:07:23


feeling called out right now...

stamp which reads "digitalisiert"

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Föderation EN Sa 19.10.2024 22:31:21

@jpmens Oh, that's a nice version. Where did you get it?

Does it come with Bluetooth and auto-upload to the device after stamping the documents? :)

Föderation EN Mo 21.10.2024 06:13:13

@ucf @jpmens
No, according to standard procedure, you have to scan the document, then stamp the paperwork, scan it again and replace the old scan by the new (stamped) one. Then you have to print it, get it signed by your boss and then rescan to replace the former version.

Föderation EN So 20.10.2024 10:28:40

@jpmens Oh, Germany? Then you need this one.

„Gefaxt“ (=sent by Fax) rubber stamp.

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Föderation EN So 20.10.2024 16:57:30

@jpmens Before or after it is printed out? 🤣

Föderation EN So 20.10.2024 17:33:11

@jpmens I'm not even German and I have this. It's my favourite!

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Föderation EN Mo 21.10.2024 08:29:26

@alzimon @jpmens loool that's the German way 200% 😂

Föderation DE So 20.10.2024 22:42:24

👆 Passt irgendwie zum Thema...

@bkastl @hallunke23

Föderation DE Mo 21.10.2024 00:22:52

@Datterich Jupp. Gibt es aber auch andersrum: Bei der Berliner Justiz werden (bzw. wurden früher) EGVP-Eingänge ausgedruckt und dann mit einem speziellen EGVP-Eingangsstempel gestempelt, wo dann in der STempelplatte explizit drinstand, dass es sich um einen EGVP-Eingang handelt.