· Föderation EN Do 27.02.2025 07:59:43 @Cando@don.linxx.net I misunderstood this post. Sorry for the bother. |
Föderation DE Do 27.02.2025 11:36:36 |
Föderation EN Do 27.02.2025 11:42:02 @kevinrns How good is your German? The speaker is Heidi Reichinnek, German left party Die Linke top candidate for the election this past Sunday, and she sarcastically 'congratulates' the right wing voters by showing the only example where one of their politicians actually is in power, how incompetent he is and that he did the exact opposite of what he promised he would do as a mayorial candidate. I can imagine not wanting to see his face at all, but this video is not nazi propaganda. |
Föderation EN Do 27.02.2025 12:00:58 |
Föderation DE Do 27.02.2025 13:16:24 One can only hope that the alleged protest voters of the neo fascist party who only wanted to "kick the higher-ups' asses" a) actually exist b) now realise how they've been lied to and screwed over by the neo fascists c) will get and use the chance to remedy their mistake at a future election @kevinrns, This video is an attempt at assisting the alleged protest voters at achieving b) and therefore is in fact quite the opposite of nazi propaganda. edited because I had the user handles the wrong way around. |
Föderation EN Do 27.02.2025 13:30:54 |
Föderation EN Do 27.02.2025 14:33:40 |
Föderation EN Do 27.02.2025 15:05:21 Ich glaube er hat schon revidiert und geschrieben dass er einen Fehler gemacht hat. Ich kann es zwar nicht lesen weil ich blockiert bin, aber jemand steckte mir das. |
Föderation EN Do 27.02.2025 15:11:31 @Cando Ich bin nicht blockiert und da ist nix mit Fehler. Sonst hätte er das ja auch löschen können. |