


Do 04.01.2024

Beiträge: 1.627Folgt: 41Folgende: 93

Software developer, hobbyist keyboard player, kayaker, home cook. Casual gamer. Preferred games are no faster than Portal and less violent than chess. I need time to think.

C#, Swift, Javascript, C.

Windows for work, everything else at home. Keeping things separate.





Leeloo (@leeloo@techhub.social)

Föderation EN Di 03.09.2024 15:58:10

Vivaldi on my new phone doesn't have as much room for a tab bar as my tablet, so I have selected the tab switcher instead.

There is an option in settings called "toolbar button", which allows one button next to the location field. Among the options is new tab, but close tab is missing. I often use "open in background tab", new tab not so much, so with the tab bar hidden, being able to set the toolbar button to close tab would be nice feature, I think. And right next to the location field seems to be designed for this purpose.



Leeloo (@leeloo@techhub.social)

Föderation EN Mi 21.08.2024 07:02:42


I have the Vivaldi (desktop) panel set to auto hide, but it appears random whether the panel switching bar hides with the panel or not (I prefer it hiding, but I'm sure there are others who prefer it not to). It has always been like that, and I would expect that if it was a bug, it would have been fixed long ago. So I'm wondering if I'm missing something?

How is it supposed to work? What controls if the panel switcher hides with the panel or not? I can't find a setting for it, but a setting wouldn't appear random either, so I suspect there is some control logic that just doesn't make sense to me?

Maybe there should be a setting with three options, always hide, never hide or whatever controls the current behavior, assuming it's intentional.


Leeloo (@leeloo@techhub.social)

Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 17:31:55

Since the latest Android update, I often unintentionally end up with a huge "create a new group" speed dial page. It appears that one gets to that page by swiping right to left, the same gesture my tablet uses for back. Create a new group is also available in the three dots menu and when adding a bookmark, is there any way to turn off the overloaded right to left swipe?



Leeloo (@leeloo@techhub.social)

Föderation EN So 21.04.2024 14:48:49

I replaced the app with and to me this brought the whole idea much more to light. With Moshidon I can add the local timeline of other instances to the timeline button (the button that switches between home, local, federated and lists). This let's me see a lot of interesting posts that I wouldn't otherwise see, AND I can interact with them just like any other post.

Without this feature, Mastodon feels like a bunch of isolated servers. Yes you can follow people on other instances, but only if you know of them by other means (or someone else already did the same).

For now I have added fosstodon.org, which has a lot of interesting (to me) posts, but I expect to add a couple more once I find other instances I find interesting (if it's only one, you could argue that I'm on the wrong instance).