
Leon Cowle


Mo 05.12.2022

Beiträge: 5.224Folgt: 159Folgende: 255

Husband. Father. Cowboys fan.
The Ops in DevOps. Weird love of regex!

(My accent is very confused) 

BLM & LGBTQIA+ ally!









Leon Cowle

Leon Cowle (@leoncowle@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Mi 04.09.2024 19:29:36

@ivory I’ve seen this a couple times recently. Tapping on a quoted Mastodon post throws up this error, but if I tap Open In Browser, it loads fine (in the embedded browser inside Ivory). Example post for which it happened just now: hachyderm.io/@lexfri/113078916

Error popup in Ivory.app, that says:
Couldn't find what you were looking for. If this is supposed to be a website, you can try opening it in the browser.
Open in Browser

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Leon Cowle

Leon Cowle (@leoncowle@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Mi 31.07.2024 17:44:43

@ivory Feature request. Have “Translate" in the right-click context menu as well (i.e. as well as under the gear icon). Something I use very rarely, so I don't commit to memory where to find it, and am always surprised that it's not in the context menu, which I invariably try first. 😂

Leon Cowle

Leon Cowle (@leoncowle@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 20:13:30

@ivory Is this you, or the Mastodon software itself, that is resulting in a different language under the YouTube URL shortener preview card? (Presumably because .be is Belgium?). If it's Ivory, can you make a special case exception for youtu.be? Assuming of course, you have a means to determine the preferred locale of the app, because for certain users German *is* the correct choice! 😂

Mastodon post as viewed in Ivory.app. The post contains a YouTube link, but in the form of the youtu.be URL shortener. The text under the preview card is in German, I think.

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Leon Cowle

Leon Cowle (@leoncowle@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Mo 15.04.2024 13:14:55

How is this post in my home timeline?! I don’t follow this account. It seems it wasn’t boosted. It doesn’t contain a hashtag at all (i.e. that I may be following). It wasn’t edited (to remove hashtags, eg). This account has 0 followers and 0 follows. How did they force this post into my TL? This is concerning!

EDIT: as pointed out by @benroyce (thanks Ben!), there ARE hashtags in this post, it’s just my client (Ivory) that for some reason doesn’t show them.

Leon Cowle

Leon Cowle (@leoncowle@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Fr 22.03.2024 21:29:47

Hahahahahahaha. Indeed!

Headline of a tech article about WhatsApp increasing group chat size limit to 256 people, with a subheading saying it’s not clear why ‎WhatsApp chose such an oddly specific number. 

This was screenshotted and reposted with a comment saying: if you think 256 is an oddly specific number you probably shouldn’t be writing tech articles.

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Leon Cowle

Leon Cowle (@leoncowle@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Di 13.02.2024 22:22:03

@ivory This isn't a bugreport, per se. Perhaps a question. Or a suggestion for consideration only.

As you can see, there are 2 seemingly identical trending News links. Clicking them, they go to the same url, except for querystring args.


Suggestion: strip widely-known tracking args to de-dup links in the Explore page. If, once known-tracking args are stripped, there are still different qs args left which results in dups, then so be it.

The Explore pane of the macOS Ivory app. Showing the News tab. Showing the top 3 stories, 2 of which look to be the same story.

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