
wakest ⁂

wakest ⁂ (@liaizon@social.wake.st)

Föderation EN So 04.08.2024 22:17:01

This is a milestone worth celebrating! :fediverse:
In development as we speak, @forgejo can now federate comments (and tons of other stuff) from issues in repos!!!

The first screenshot is @algernon (a Forgejo account able to be tagged in this post!) commenting on the issue: shoes.forgejo.madhouse-project as seen in @phanpy while logged into my Mastodon account!

a screenshot of a Fogejo account with comments as seen through a Mastodon account logged into Phanpy

a screenshot of a Fogejo issue that contains comments that are viewed in the previous screenshot

(Medien: 2)


Andrew (@cinebox@hackers.town)

Föderation EN So 04.08.2024 22:20:45

@liaizon @forgejo @algernon @phanpy huh, I wonder if this will be merged back upstream to gitea

Gergely Nagy 🐁

Gergely Nagy 🐁 (@algernon@trunk.mad-scientist.club)

Föderation EN So 04.08.2024 22:23:12

@liaizon It's not just comments! Pretty much all public user activity federates. Creating a repo? Yup. Tagging? Yup. Branching? Yes. Cutting a release? Sure! Opening an issue? Aye. A PR? Of course. Merging a PR? Mhm. Closing an issue? Yep. And so on...

Do note: this is like the user RSS feeds, except over AP. While federated activities can be replied to, and can be viewed on the Forgejo UI, they are completely detached, and live in their own little world.

(Eventually, I want to make it possible to log into a Forgejo account from any Fedi client. But we're not there yet.)


silverpill (@silverpill@mitra.social)

Föderation · So 04.08.2024 22:34:36

@algernon Can Forgejo actors be followed? I tried to Follow @algernon, the server responded with 500 (I don't know what the response body was but can get it if needed)


tux0r  :openbsd:

tux0r :openbsd: (@tux0r@layer8.space)

Föderation EN Mo 05.08.2024 18:54:16

@liaizon I wish it would support other VCSs