
Luca Hammer


Di 15.11.2022

Beiträge: 66.643Folgt: 1.132Folgende: 4.566

AuDHD. Curious. Tired.

Find contacts in the Fediverse [currently broken] fedifinder.glitch.me and delete your Tweets github.com/lucahammer/tweetxer

Scientific programmer at @sfb1472 at University of Siegen. Posts in English and German. Hide them in your settings.




by request

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Luca Hammer

Luca Hammer (@luca@social.luca.run)

Föderation DE Mi 29.05.2024 14:24:29

Ausnahmsweise spricht Charlotte Kunath über statt mit Jugendlichen in ihrem Talk ‘Mehr als nur Porn: Jugendliche Sexualität im Internet’. re-publica.com/de/session/mehr

Frau in elegantem, beigem Jumpsuit auf einer Bühne. Rechts hinter ihr die Leinwand mit dem Titel des Talks.

(Medien: 1)

Luca Hammer

Luca Hammer (@luca@social.luca.run)

Föderation EN Mi 29.05.2024 11:47:02

Collecting colors at

I have seen green, but not orange. If you find it, let me know.

Hand with fingernails in different colors on a sign. Dark blue fingernail on top of light blue line that looks like it was sprayed on the sign (but is printed). Text on the sign: speak up!

Hand with colorful nails on top of a sign. Finger with yellow nail on top of a yellow dot that looks like it was sprayed on the sign.

Hand with colorful nails on top of a wooden pink heart. Pink nail at the border of the heart to make it match. The heart looks like it is melting.

(Medien: 3)

Luca Hammer

Luca Hammer (@luca@social.luca.run)

Föderation DE Di 28.05.2024 19:21:41

Warte in einem Fastfood-Restaurant beim Alexanderplatz auf meinen Burrito während ich @sebmeineck über Nacktheit sprechen höre. Gerade erklärt er, dass es komische Elemente gibt, die zeitversetzt vielleicht nicht ganz so gut funktionieren.

Luca Hammer

Luca Hammer (@luca@social.luca.run)

Föderation DE Di 28.05.2024 09:58:01

Nicht nur Twitter, sondern die öffentliche Kommunikation des Publikums auf der re:publica ist tot. Jetzt muss ich nur noch die Zahlen zusammensuchen, um das zu belegen. Und dann können wir mögliche Gründe sammeln.

Luca Hammer

Luca Hammer (@luca@social.luca.run)

Föderation DE Mo 27.05.2024 10:56:13

Erster Vergleich, wo wie viel zur gepostet wird.

Fediverse: 577 (API, Hashtag, mastodon und chaos .social)
X: 282 (Private API, Hashtag)
Threads: 199 (händisch gezählt; keine Ahnung wie vollständig)
Bluesky: 136 (Private API, Feed bsky.app/profile/did:plc:252n5cfhxlwdzzeixqw7tbem/feed/rp24)

sah es so aus: social.luca.run/@luca/11054405

Luca Hammer

Luca Hammer (@luca@social.luca.run)

Föderation EN So 18.02.2024 09:33:01

Nine months ago, @andypiper shared his new shirt and I fell in love with the design: bsky.app/profile/andypiper.me/ .

At Mary's Keramik Café instagram.com/maryskeramikcafe I used it as inspiration to personalize a bowl. Beside the heart and circuit, I tried to incorporate flowers (inspired from this plate porzellancafe.de/bilder/kunstw ); Looks more like LEDs though, but I'm fine with that as well. I wanted a design that plays with the shape of the bowl. Drawing it off center allows it to spill over the edge. It makes it more interesting to look at and I can identify it in the cupboard without having to take it out.

I'm delighted with how it turned out.

Ceramic bowl with half finished pencil drawing on it. The outline of a heart as a row of circles. Lower half of the heart is filled with lines that look similar to a circuit diagram.

Unburnt ceramic bowl with a heart shaped circuit design drawn on it. The dots of the circuit are in red, blue and yellow.

Finished, glossy ceramic bowl with hearts shaped circuit design. Colors are much stronger than in the unburnt state. The circuit heart design is off center to the left, so part of the heart flows over the edge of the bowl.

Glossy ceramic bowl photographed from the side, showing the part of the circuit design that is on the edge and outside of the bowl.

(Medien: 4)

Luca Hammer

Luca Hammer (@luca@social.luca.run)

Föderation DE Fr 16.02.2024 17:54:29

Es gibt Verwirrung rund um Luca Pay. Es ist aber total einfach und völlig anonym. Sobald ihr mich seht, drückt ihr mir Geld in die Hand. Fertig.

Fallt nicht auf die QR-Codes rein! Das Geld kommt nicht bei mir an. Es handelt sich dabei um etwas völlig anderes. Solltet ihr welche sehen, bei @leitmedium melden. Danke.

Luca Hammer

Luca Hammer (@luca@social.luca.run)

Föderation DE Mo 22.01.2024 18:19:03

Menschenmasse im Dunkeln. Im Hintergrund eine beleuchtete Bühne. Im Vordergrund ein Plakat in Herzform. Der Rand des Plakats ist mir LEDs beleuchtet. In bunten Buchstaben steht: Kein Mensch ist illegal.

(Medien: 1)

Luca Hammer

Luca Hammer (@luca@social.luca.run)

Föderation EN So 31.12.2023 15:49:37

Most posts about were published on the Fediverse.

I found 11.130 posts on the Fediverse (known to chaos.social or mastodon.social), 2.620 posts on X/Twitter and 1.069 on ATProto/Bluesky. Published between 2023-12-23 and 2023-12-31. (I haven't figured out how to collect posts on Threads, but I have found 150 there. Maybe there are more, but they don't show up in the search results.)

Line chart: Posts per hour per platform containing #37c3
Collected on 2023-12-31 by @Luca@social.luca.run

Chart goes on the y-axis from 0 to 250 posts per hour. Each platform has a line. Bluesky in light blue, Fediverse in dark blue and X/Twitter in black. X-axis are the hours, but only days are labels. From 2023-12-23 to 2023-12-31.

There are clearly more Fediverse posts at any given time. On 2023-12-28 Fediverse posts per hour sharply increase from around 20 to around 70. On the next day the shoot up to over 200 posts per hour. Over the next days there are between 100 and 175 posts per hour during the day.

X/Twitter posts only go over 75 posts per hour once on 2023-12-29.

Bluesky posts stay below 25 posts per hour with a single exception on 2023-12-31.

(Medien: 1)

Luca Hammer

Luca Hammer (@luca@social.luca.run)

Föderation EN Do 14.12.2023 13:30:52

I am working on a replacement for : Cross platform follow management.

I want to make it easy to reconnect with people you like but also to disconnect from the ones you don't like. Show you if someone joined a platform you are using as well and help you remove them from your followings if you are no longer interested in their content or want to block them. Without searching for them individually on each platform.

Main challenges:
- Tech: Many platforms don't have APIs anymore
- Legal: Platforms try to prohibit scraping
- Legal: What legal basis do I have for data collection and processing
- Ethic: How to not show accounts who do not want to be shown (I want to only use public information. Eg. links in bios or on websites. Is following no-index tags and nobot in bios enough?)
- Money: Putting some features behind a paywall or find a different model

Before I invest time into coding, I would love to hear your opinions. (I have a small budget for consultations. If you have more to say, feel free to sent me a mail hello@lucahammer.com with your fee. Especially if you are part of a marginalized group and/or could be hurt by a service that makes it easy to discover accounts across multiple platforms.)