
Mans R

Föderation EN Di 27.08.2024 10:27:30

The "load more" thing in @Tusky has reached a new level of annoying. Lately, it not only drops you in a random spot on the timeline, it corrupts the displayed posts. Notice in the before/after screenshots how it appears to have loaded one additional post. Look closer though, and you will see that the timestamps on the ones below have changed. Tapping one takes you to a completely different post (with the displayed timestamp). Those posts are actually a few pages down now. Pretty please fix this.

(Medien: 2)


Föderation EN Di 27.08.2024 16:09:04

@mansr thanks for telling, will have a look and see what is happening

Mans R

Föderation EN Di 27.08.2024 16:19:10

@Tusky What I'd really like would be if the new scroll position could be below the newly fetched posts when "load more" is tapped near the top of the screen and above them if tapped near the bottom. That way, browsing would continue naturally regardless of which direction the user was reading from.