

maybeanerd (@maybeanerd@bumscode.com)

Föderation EN Di 19.12.2023 22:23:54

Just released our custom @elk skin based on our favorite animal, the allmighty crab. ✨
If you're from the bumscode.com instance, you can find and use the deployment on elk.bumscode.com (who knows, maybe it soon will also be on a new subdomain? 👀)
If you're not on our instance, but interested in the deployment, you can of course still have a look at the public timelines there.
The code can be found on github.com/maybeanerd/crab

screenshot of the elk logo, but instead of elk its a funny crab illustration and the logo says "crab (alpha)"

(Medien: 1)


maybeanerd (@maybeanerd@bumscode.com)

Föderation EN Di 19.12.2023 22:33:05

@elk We actively kept all reference to elk and the elk team & sponsoring in (and didn't change too much in general), since we don't want this to be an alternative. This is really just our custom spin on it, based on elk, continually updated by elk releases, and all improvements we would make to it, we will make upstream.


maybeanerd (@maybeanerd@bumscode.com)

Föderation EN Fr 22.12.2023 00:19:55

@elk Already found the first upstream improvement due to our fork, and opened a PR ✨
