

mhoye (@mhoye@mastodon.social)

· Föderation EN Mi 25.09.2024 18:55:07

"Another way to say that is: among people or communities who trust each other in these decisions, an act of self-defense becomes, seamlessly and invisibly, an act of collective defense. [...] shields-up means shields-up for everyone. Effective, practical defensive solidarity; it’s the most important new idea I’ve seen in social software in years."

I wrote this in 2020, and all the time I've spent since watching admins burn out and shutter instances saddens me.

It doesn't need to be like this.


mhoye (@mhoye@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mi 25.09.2024 19:02:42

I mean no disrespect to the social web foundation, but the list of projects they're listed as tackling (End to end encryption? Long form text?) are... look, they don't matter. The things that are burning out admins and driving minorities - notably black communities - away from "the fedi" isn't the wire protocols. It's the fact that the Fediverse has a big fucking racism problem and there's no real way to protect yourself or your friends from it.

Mutualism and solidarity have no verbs here.


Davey (@davey_cakes@mastodon.ie)

Föderation EN Mi 25.09.2024 20:08:55

@mhoye 100%

Racism and more but racism is the starkest example.

My first reaction to the plans of the SWF group was "Well all that growth sounds lovely, who the fuck is going to moderate it."

I feel like 90% of people who would moderate a fedi instance already have.

Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou (@evan@cosocial.ca)

Föderation EN Do 26.09.2024 03:23:56

@davey_cakes @mhoye we explicitly say "bigger AND better". We don't think growth without a better user experience, including user safety, makes sense.


mhoye (@mhoye@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Do 26.09.2024 03:43:46

@evan @davey_cakes For whatever it’s worth, I’ve spent a long time as a community manager, often on the containment and remediation shift, and one of the most important lessons I’ve taken from that it is that asking people who willingly participate in toxic environments to inform your priorities will never lead to work that reduces that toxicity, because if that toxicity actually affected them they’d have quietly left ages ago.

Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou (@evan@cosocial.ca)

Föderation EN Mi 25.09.2024 20:41:45

@mhoye Hey, so, wonderful stuff. I appreciate the notes. I'm going to address them separately.

Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou (@evan@cosocial.ca)

Föderation EN Mi 25.09.2024 20:50:00

@mhoye First, you say that E2EE doesn't matter to anyone. However, my user experience research shows that secure DMs are extremely important to people, and they're one of the main reasons people feel they can't build up real social connections on the Fediverse.


Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou (@evan@cosocial.ca)

Föderation EN Mi 25.09.2024 20:51:04

@mhoye Second, the projects we have on the site right now are for our immediate execution. They're also there to show the kind of thing we can do in the future.

Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou (@evan@cosocial.ca)

Föderation EN Mi 25.09.2024 20:54:06

@mhoye I find the point you're making important. I'm going to add it to our discussion for future projects.


mhoye (@mhoye@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Sa 28.09.2024 01:54:08

@evan Please understand that from the perspective of a site owner or administrator, E2EE messaging functionally means "my server might be hosting and redistributing things that I might go to prison for and I have no way of knowing or checking."

I realize that I am only speaking for myself in this, but there is _no way in hell_ that I would ever choose to self-host infrastructure that put me in that position, and I can't imagine anyone knowingly choosing to do that.

Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou (@evan@cosocial.ca)

Föderation EN Sa 28.09.2024 02:06:40

@mhoye I am not a lawyer, but I believe your responsibility for content on your server goes way down if you cannot access it.

That said, we will include mechanisms so that people will be able to report messages they receive and they will be non-repudiable.

In #Flancia we'll meet

In #Flancia we'll meet (@flancian@social.coop)

Föderation EN Sa 28.09.2024 12:25:17

@edumerco this article is up your alley and might be interesting to you I think :)